3 Different Ways to Recycle Your Old Star Wars Shirts

To buy this shirt, click HERE.
Can you guess what time of year is coming up soon?  That's right! Spring!  And you know what that means--it's time for Spring Cleaning!  

So you decide to spring clean and everything's going great so far--  You've made a lot of progress.  Then you realize that it's time to get to the absolute hardest part of cleaning out: going through all of your Star Wars stuff.  And you absolutely don't want to get rid of any of it!  It has to be one of the hardest decisions of your entire life.  This situation is like having to choose between your kids!  

Then, in the corner of your eye, you spot an old pile of Star Wars shirts you used to love to wear!  Most of the don't fit you anymore and maybe even a couple of them have stains on them from that crazy night at that Buffalo Wing place, and you start to think that maybe you should get rid of them.  

WAIT! DON'T GET RID OF THOSE STAR WARS T-SHIRTS JUST YET!!!!  There is an easier way to keep them than just having them sit in a huge pile in your closet!  RECYCLE THEM!!!  

Now, you're probably thinking, "How am I supposed to recycle t-shirts?  They're not just an empty water bottle that I can just throw into the recycling bin!"  Well, here's 3 different ways to recycle your old Star Wars t-shirts!

To buy this shirt, click HERE.

One thing that you can do with an old t-shirt is turn it into memorabilia or keepsakes by getting it signed by an actor! Go to a Star Wars Celebration, a Comic Con, or even just try to find them at a grocery store!  You could get this t-shirt (shown above) signed by Peter Mayhew and frame it on your wall.

To buy this shirt, click HERE.


Another way to recycle your old Star Wars t-shirts it to make something new out of it.  You, or someone you know, can cut the fabric and make a pillow, blanket, or anything else you want.  Use it in your everyday decor.

To buy this shirt, click HERE.

I know, it's not "technically" recycling, but by selling your old Star Wars t-shirts you are "recycling" it to get money to buy more shirts and, at the same time, encouraging others to join the fun Star Wars movement.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
May The Force Be With You, 


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