Making Sabine: Season 1 Cosplay: The Boots and Ankle Guards

AnneTheStarWarsFan as Sabine Wren (Season 1)

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't written any new articles lately! 
I have decided to take this blog in a WHOLE new direction! 
So, what most (if not, all) of you might not know about me is 
that I am actually a cosplayer! 

Now if you don't know what that is, it's kinda like someone who creates their own costumes themselves from scratch, but they try 
to be as accurate as possible. Above is actually a picture of me as Sabine Wren from Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels! This is a picture of the second version of this costume. We had tried to make it before, but in the end it wasn't accurate. This is currently how it looks now, accept we made more accurate elbow pads back in late 2018. 

Now, with the finished product, I have decided to share with you all how we made the entire outfit (starting with the boots)! I hope this helps you guys!

Now before we start I just wanted to let you all know that Dave Filoni (the creator of Star Wars Rebels) actually did an article on about Sabine cosplay for Season 1 and it actually helped A LOT! Click HERE to read it!

The Boots:

So Sabine's boots are just plain black boots that have been paint splattered with three different colors. Orange, a purple, and a little bit of mint green. I just got a pair of plain black rubber rain boots from Walmart, but you could also use leather boots if they're the same style as hers. I just felt like using rubber because it seemed to fit the character better and it looks more like work boots, since she's an explosive artist!
Plain Boots
We took some spray paint, sprayed it in a paint cup, and just splattered away!

Orange Paint Splatter

Now with the purple!

Mint green!!!

Now, I used spray paint on rubber. It works, but it doesn't dry well. Actually, it doesn't dry AT ALL!!! So what we did to fix it is we got a can of Spray Mod Podge and sprayed it all over the boots, so it acted as a clear coat! DO NOT use the regular paint-on stuff! 
It actually chips off very easily! 
Mod Podged the boots!

Ankle Guards:

The ankle guards needed to be made out of a flexible material so that it could move with the boots. 3D printing it was going to be too hard to design and not flexible enough so we decided to make them out of a think craft foam. We had designed a template and cut out the pieces. 

Freshly cut ankle guards!

Then what we did is we spray painted them with a burgundy red color and paint splattered them a little bit with the same orange as we did with the boots.

Painted up!

Then we added elastic bands to them so that they could be interchangeable for ankle armor from different seasons! We had tried to glue them and it does NOT work out! So do the elastic band method!

If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram or Twitter!

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To go to my Instagram page, click HERE!

May The Force Be With You!

-AnneTheStarWarsFan ☆

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